let's go climbing

We usually have some sort of ongoing theme in our mentorship. It’s continually changing, adapting to trends, or simply addressing a need in the ever-expanding mentorship gap that exists between gym climbing and being in/with nature. Our themes aren’t driven by fads, but they are often the antithesis of such. 

For 2023 (and probably into 2024), our theme is, let’s go climbing. Full disclosure, this theme is also a slogan for the E9 clothing company, of which I am affiliated, but it’s been a mantra of mine since as long as I have been climbing, so I get to use it too. 

It’s a simple goal that’s loaded with complexity; the paradox of just going climbing, is that there is actually a lot to it. But yet, it doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t need to be grandiose. And it doesn’t need to be for any reason other than getting outside and enjoying time in nature and time with friends. 

After 23 years of coaching and mentoring, the single greatest piece of advice I can offer is to show up, consistently. The second piece of advice I can offer is to not get hurt. Of course, there are some other things that need to exist in order to promote performance gains. However, as life becomes increasingly complex and rife with anxiety, I choose to keep it simple. The simple act of showing up and not getting hurt opens the doors for profound learning, fulfillment, and joy. 

So let’s go climbing. We’ll be in nature. We’ll feel the warm sun on our back and the soft dirt under our feet. 

Let’s go climbing. We won’t need artificial intelligence. We can leave our phones behind. We’ll miss Black Friday sales and Cyber Monday deals and there might not even be cell signal where we are going. But we’ll have nature and each other. And that’s enough. 

It might be hard. It might be uncomfortable. It doesn’t have to be fun (although it probably will be). But it will be challenging, stimulating, rewarding, enriching, and humbling. Nature is always humbling. 

Let’s go climbing. We’ll make friends with people who we wouldn’t have met otherwise. Like a 75-year old olive farmer. We’ll hear different languages, and eat different food. We’ll learn about other cultures and religions. We’ll listen. 

We won’t worry about grades. They don’t make us who we are.

How we treat ourselves, each other, and nature, makes us who we are. 

We’ll get cold or hot. We’ll get dirty. And we don’t need to freak out because it doesn’t feel right. Nature isn’t right or wrong. It just is. Learning to adapt makes us stronger, wiser, and more empathetic. 

Let’s go climbing and listen to each other. We’ll learn from each other. We’ll support each other. We’ll listen to nature and try to learn from it. 

We’ll learn about the past; about the history of the earth and the universe; and about the people who lived in these places before we came. We’ll honor these versions while being present. And we’ll minimize our impact so that future versions can be present. 

We won’t crush anything. 

Let’s go climbing. Why? Does there have to be a reason? No.

Make yourself a sandwich, fill up your water bottle, and let’s go. Don’t forget to clean your shoes, check your knot, brush the holds, and thank your belayer. 

Aaron Hjelt